The Development Prospects of China's Magnet Industry

Update:03 Sep 2020

There is a certain gap between the technological level of China's Industrial Magnets functional materials and the international level, but in some respects we are also among the previous generations of the world. In terms of permanent magnet material technology, the new magnet permanent magnet material neodymium iron nickel alloy has reached or even exceeded the Japanese neodymium iron boron, which is a true "magnet king".

In the field of magnetoluminescent materials, the synthesis and bioimaging research of magnetic upconversion nanomaterials has been at the world's leading level. Compared with similar scientific research institutions in the world, the current research directions and results of the State Key Laboratory are international.

China’s magnet technology has achieved impressive results. However, due to the birth of the planned economy, Chinese researchers lack the awareness of protecting their own intellectual property rights; secondly, patent applications, especially foreign patents, require high payments and intellectual property infringements. Litigation costs are time-consuming and laborious. Foreign countries have formed related cost mechanisms, which have protected China's intellectual property rights in the field of magnets. Third, there is a huge "gap" between China's scientific and technological achievements and industrialization. Many outstanding scientific and technological achievements of magnets cannot go out of the laboratory without the support of venture capital mechanisms and channels. However, developed countries have a smooth path from experiment to production, with sound mechanisms, and mature research results are about to be industrialized, bringing predictability to patent purchase companies s return.

The patent track that encourages innovation has become a tool for foreign companies. They use the advancement of magnet technology to plan and implement the patent layout in a planned and step-by-step manner, and continuously improve the design and implementation in multiple countries and vertical fields. The subsequent application of magnets and other methods have woven a strict patent network around the world. In the face of this situation, the industry proposes to formulate a national magnet intellectual property strategy, subsidies or policy-oriented magnets to be applied to national enterprises and scientific research institutions, especially to support scientific and technological personnel to explore international markets, apply for foreign patents, and add special magnets. This support has greatly increased the special funds for the promotion and application of magnets.

Although there are many problems, the development prospects of China's magnet technology and magnet industry are very good. China now has a strong magnet research team, many different types of research bases and excellent hardware measures.

In the short term, it is difficult for us to fully catch up. We can only adopt key breakthrough strategies and determine goals. Two research directions of basic research on magnet technology are further proposed: one is magnet technology related to energy, and the other is industrial and application technology related to information. Only Chinese magnet technicians can find opportunities in basic research, guide enterprises to grasp the opportunities of development, production and application, and can truly realize the leapfrog development of the custom industrial magnets industry.