Application of Industrial Magnets

Update:27 Dec 2021

Magnets are not just toys. In fact, industrial magnets are used in many industries and businesses. From medicine, manufacturing to heavy industry, magnets are used in various occasions. The unique characteristics of the magnetic field make magnets an ideal choice for studying everything from the inner workings of the galaxy to the inner workings of the human body.


Magnets and magnetic technology are widely used throughout the mining industry. In many coal mines, especially coal mines, powerful magnetic separators are usually used. These industrial magnets are used to recover valuable materials that would not otherwise be required, and many mining operators make full use of industrial magnets for this purpose. Drum magnets are also used in coal mines and other mining operations to remove pollutants from mined materials, thereby helping companies get the most value from each ton of coal and other mined materials.

Food and Medicine

The food production and pharmaceutical industries also extensively use magnetic technology to remove excess iron, which would otherwise contaminate their products. In order to remove excess iron food, food manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies use a variety of magnets, including magnetic drums, magnetic grids, and magnetic tubes. Magnetic grids and drums are usually placed in chutes and hoppers to remove contaminants, while solenoids are used to trap iron and other potential contaminants as food and pharmaceutical ingredients pass through them.

Plastic and Glass

Magnets are also commonly used in the manufacture of various plastic and glass products. Many different types of materials are used in the manufacture of plastics and glass, but in order to be useful, these materials must contain no impurities. Magnetic technology is used to remove those impurities from the ingredients, which are then used to make the plastic and glass products we use every day.

Industrial Ceramics

Magnets are used to make ceramics to remove metal impurities. These impurities will reduce the quality of the finished ceramic products. It is important for the company to remove these impurities during the manufacturing process. The industry uses a variety of different magnetic technologies, including plate separators, suspended magnets, and drum separators to remove metallic impurities from ceramic glazes and other materials widely used in ceramic manufacturing.

Ningbo Tengxiao Magnetic Industry Co., Ltd. have products such as custom industrial magnets and neodymium ring magnet. Welcome to visit our official website.